Hello to my Younger Self,
There's no way around this but you're about to be 30 years old in 30 days
Did I use my time for good or did use my time in waste?

Spent most of my days in a familiar town
Of course you had your ups and you had your downs
You learned how to be a good a son, a brother and a friend
You made people laugh so please know this is not the end
You thought you fell in love but that's something you have not learned yet
She's out there so be patient because we both know it'll be worth it
You'll learn to trust your conscience and your heart
It'll take you across the world, I suggest you get a head start
Cheers to your twenties you damn fool
If I could teach you anything, remember these rules
Read books as if it was the same as breathing
Sounds boring now but you'll learn it'll be much pleasing
Just be your self and don't forget to do it with a smile
You'll create art that people will enjoy with your certain style
Take a deep breath, slow down and enjoy the day
Because if you don't, those special moments wont come your way
The universe enlighten you with Law of Attraction
Use this as a tool to bring fourth your satisfactions
So let's have a toast for my younger years
Even to the bad times, the broken bones and to all the tears
Heartaches and anxiety will lead you to fall on your knees
But you'll get up stronger, grow a mustache, and move to Queens
You'll be happy I promise, I would know
As I write this with a smile it's ok to get old
Cheers, Hope I made you proud...